We work in 16 counties across northern Virginia’s Piedmont, Blue Ridge, and Shenandoah Valley
VWL’s grassland bird research and collaboration with PEC has sparked a partnership with the American Bird Conservancy, which has led to the designation of VBGI’s 16-county region into a formally recognized conservation zone, or BirdScape. The aptly named Northern Virginia Piedmont and Shenandoah Valley BirdScape defines a focal area for partners to conserve declining bird populations and opens doors to building new and innovative collaborations for overcoming the challenges these birds face.

- Albemarle
- Augusta
- Clarke
- Culpeper
- Fauquier
- Frederick
- Greene
- Loudoun
- Madison
- Orange
- Page
- Prince William
- Rappahannock
- Rockingham
- Shenandoah
- Warren