Learn more about grassland bird conservation:
The resources on this page provide an excellent place to start if you are a landowner or producer looking to bring bird-friendly practices onto your landscape.
- Postcard: VGBI Overview
- Booklet: Meet Your Virginia Grassland Birds
- Factsheet: VGBI Incentives Program
- Factsheet: Raise the Blade
- Factsheet: American Kestrel Nest Boxes: Stewardship and Monitoring
- Factsheet: Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Quail
- Factsheet: Native Plantings for Quail
- Pamphlet: Riparian Buffers for Wildlife
- Announcement: VGBI Incentives Program and Compatible NRCS Cost-Share Programs
- Folder of Resources: Guide to Conservation Speed-Dating Workshops
Smithsonian’s Virginia Working Landscapes
- Factsheet: Grassland Biodiversity Surveys
- Factsheet: Birds Most Commonly Observed on VWL Grassland Bird Surveys
- Factsheet: Birding Resources
- Factsheet: Bird Song Identification
- Factsheet: Field Management Guidelines for Virginia’s Grassland & Shrubland Birds
- Pamphlet: Shrub & Grassland Birds of Virginia
- Pamphlet: Bringing Back the Butcher Bird
- Video: Bringing Back the Birds | 2020 Tedx Talk by Dr. Amy Johnson
The Piedmont Environmental Council
- Guide: Managing Land in the Piedmont for the Benefit of Birds and Other Wildlife
- Factsheet: Riparian Buffers: Benefits for Water, Wildlife and People
American Farmland Trust
Quail Forever
- Factsheet: Quail Fact Sheet
- Factsheet / Illustration: Prairie Grass Root Systems
- Factsheet: Bobwhites & Wild Turkeys: Is Habitat Management for These Birds Compatible?
- [Bobwhite Quail Initiative] Packet: Bargain Basement Bobwhites: An Affordable DIY Approach to Managing Land for Wild Bobwhite Quail
American Bird Conservancy
- Factsheet: Feral Cats: Consequences for Humans and Wildlife
- Factsheet: Domestic Cat Predation on Birds and Other Wildlife
- Factsheet: Toolkit to Address Free-Ranging Domestic Cats
- Video: Sustainable Grazing Project
- Report: Neonicotinoid insecticides: Failing to come to grips with a predictable environmental disaster
Ag Allies
- Factsheet: Ag Allies Grassland Bird Project
- Factsheet: Delay Mowing for Grassland Habitat Conservation
Birds Canada
- Packet: Grasslands Conservation Incentives Guide
- Packet: Climate and Biodiversity Friendly Production Practices: Resource Guide
Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Factsheet: Hayfield Management and Grassland Bird Conservation
- Factsheet: Enhancing Pastures for Grassland Bird Habitat
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Packet: Create an Insect Buffet for Birds
- Website: All About Birds
- Website: eBird
- Website: Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative
Mass Audubon
National Bobwhite & Grassland Initiative
Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA)
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Credit Valley Conservation
- Factsheet: Protecting Grassland Bird Habitat
Southern Fire Exchange
University of Maryland Extension
University of Tennessee, Center for Native Grasslands Management
- Factsheet: Producing Hay from Native Warm-Season Grasses in the Mid-South
- Factsheet: Grazing Native Warm-Season Grasses in the Mid-South
- Factsheet: Establishing Native Warm-Season Grasses for Livestock Forage in the Mid-South
VA Cooperative Extension
- Website: Graze 300 program
- Factsheet: Grassland Agriculture & Our Environment: What the Public Needs to Know
- Publication: Using a Summer Stockpiling System to Extend the Grazing Season
Virginia Forage & Grassland Council
- Factsheet: Grassland Agriculture and Our Environment: What the Public Needs to Know
- Factsheet: Conversion of tall fescue to NWSG for greater livestock performance and better environmental outcomes